365 Days of Obsession

Joseph Jones
2 min readJan 9, 2024

Every tick of the clock, a heartbeat in the chest of the obsessed. We’re talking about a year-long siege against mediocrity, against the very notion of ‘just enough.’ This script? It’s more than words; it’s a blueprint for the relentless pursuit of whatever sets your soul ablaze.

And take me, for instance — I’m not just drafting words; I’m architecting a cathedral of dedication, one keystroke at a time. Each night, while the world sleeps, I’m here, my screen’s glow the only light, scripting these manifestos. My obsession? It’s to fuel yours. For 365 days, my mission is to craft these messages, to serve as your relentless ally in the pursuit of greatness.

Think about that — while you’re out there chasing your dreams, I’m right here, obsessively pouring over every word that I offer up to you. When your motivation wanes, when that little voice of doubt whispers in your ear, remember that I’m here, burning the midnight oil, fighting the good fight alongside you.

This script is a pact between you and me — forged in the unwavering belief that obsession is the alchemy that turns the ordinary into the extraordinary. It’s a promise that as you’re out there, giving your all, I’m here, giving mine, to inspire, to ignite, and to push you over the edge of what you thought possible.

So, as you embark on this 365-day odyssey, know that you’re not alone. Your obsession is my obsession. Your battles are my battles. And as I craft each sentence, I’m not just thinking of words; I’m thinking of you — the sleepless…

