The Principle of Aggregate Marginal Gains

Joseph Jones
3 min readJan 7, 2024

Let’s dive into the marrow of what true, lasting improvement looks like. We’re not talking about those thunderclap moments of revelation or overnight success. No, we’re delving into the philosophy that champions the tortoise over the rabbit: the principle of aggregate marginal gains. This principle is a testament to the monumental power held within the seemingly insignificant.

Imagine improving just 1% every day. That’s the kind of growth that doesn’t scream for attention; it’s a whisper that beckons commitment. It’s a whisper that says, “Evolve, step by step, inch by inch.”


Think of the greatest structures ever built — they weren’t conjured up in a day. They were the product of countless hours, innumerable decisions, each stone laid with precision and purpose. That’s what we’re aiming for. It’s not just improvement; it’s architectural growth.

Now, let’s translate that into our lives. What does 1% look like? It’s reading a page of a book, learning a new word, adding a single pound to your weightlifting routine, or writing one more paragraph of your novel. It’s saving an extra dollar, reaching out to a new connection, or going to bed a few minutes earlier to get better rest.

But let’s not gloss over the reality — not every day will you feel like you’ve improved. Some days, you’ll feel like you’re…

